A carefully prepared will is the best way to ensure that your loved ones are provided for after your death, and that your preferred charities are supported as you intend. They allow you to retain full use of your assets during your lifetime and still make a significant gift for Barton Community College. They are technical documents that should, therefore, be drafted by an attorney, but they may be revised and updated whenever you like, as your wishes and circumstances change.
By far the most common means of making a charitable gift is through a personal trust or will. It's no wonder: such gifts allow you to contribute to the College at a level you might never have imagined during your lifetime.
Specific Bequest
The most popular type of charitable bequest, a specific bequest provides that the Barton Community College Foundation receives a specific dollar amount, percentage of your estate, or piece of property.
Residuary Bequest
A residuary bequest provides that the Barton Community College Foundation receives all or a stated portion of your estate after all other bequests, debts, taxes, and expenses have been distributed.
Contingent Bequest
A contingent bequest can ensure that if circumstances make it impossible to carry out your primary provisions (as when your spouse or other heirs do not survive you), your assets will then pass to the Barton Foundation for the College rather than to unintended beneficiaries.
Trust under Will
You can bequeath a portion of your Will to be held in trust for the benefit of the College, as stated in your will.
Bequest Language
Because the Barton Community College Foundation has been designated by the trustees of the College as the official entity for receiving and administering gifts for Barton Community College, please incorporate the following language into your will:
"I give, devise, and bequeath the (sum of/percentage of/residue of my estate and) to Barton County Community College Foundation, a not-for-profit corporation with principal offices located in Great Bend, Kansas, to be utilized for the benefit of Barton County Community College as specified in a gift agreement on file at said Foundation."